Eddie L. Berry Jr.
June 29, 1951 - October 07, 2011
Baltimore, MD
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Eddie L. Berry Jr.
June 29, 1951 - October 07, 2011
Baltimore, MD
Eddie was born on June 29, 1951 and passed away on Friday, October 7, 2011.
Eddie was a resident of Baltimore, Maryland.
10 responses to Eddie L. Berry Jr.
Shawn Berry says:
June 17, 2012
Happy Father’s Day to a wonderful father,grandfather and husband. You are so missed by your loving wife, children and grandchildren. We know you will be waiting for us when we reach heaven.
Lots of love from your family.
Shawn Berry says:
June 29, 2012
Today is your birthday and I miss you so much. I can’t help but think about how much fun we had at your 60th birthday celebration last year. I hope that when the time comes; we can celebrate again.
Happy Birthday to my dear dear husband.
Lots of love,
Shawn Berry says:
September 3, 2012
Today, the Berry Family got together at Piney Run Park for the annual family picnic. We missed you so much knowing the picnic was something you looked forward to going ever year. It was your last family event in 2011.
This year; your presence was there in the form of a butterfly. You hovered over us all day. You even landed on Toni Davenport’s head.
Pat Berry brought a cake with your picture and name on it. It said, “We Miss You”. The sight of it made me cry and miss you even more. The cake had Yankees colors.
I know you were there and I hope you had a great time. We did!
I love and miss you so much.
Your wife forever,
Shawn Berry says:
September 23, 2012
We are nearing a year to the anniversary of your passing. It is still hard to believe that you are not with us. I still remember that night like it was yesterday. When I left you; you were sitting up watching television. Little did I know that hours later; you would be with God. He called you and you went with Him.
Please know your family misses you so much.
Life is not the same.
Missing you,
Shawn Berry says:
October 6, 2012
It has been a year since God called you to be with Him. Our family still can’t believe you are gone. We love and miss you so much. There is so much we want to tell you about family fun and life in general. We also want to tell you about the Orioles and the Yankees. We know there would be a lot of trash talking between you and Brian.
Only the Lord knows how much you are missed by your wife, children, grandchildren, family and friends.
Rest in Peace
Love your wife,
Love from the Family.