If your loved one was known for being welcoming and making everyone feel at ease in any situation, the last thing you want for their final service is something stuffy and somber. In fact, you want their cremation services in Baltimore, MD to feel just as welcoming as they always did. Here are a few things you can do to make everyone feel welcome at the service when they arrive:

Decorate Nicely

Depending on where you have the service, you can make sure the decorations reflect your loved one’s spirit. Consider bright colors, pictures of them, flowers, and other things to liven up any venue you use. You will want the venue to feel like your loved one and not like a room that is used for final services all of the time.

Offer Hugs As Greetings

You might have someone stationed at the back of the room, handing out bulletins for orders of event and greeting guests. But instead of keeping that formal feel, place someone in the back that is similar to your loved one and never met a stranger. You want everyone to feel warm and welcome upon arrival. If you have a hugger in your family, this might be a good place for them. They can offer hugs instead of handshakes and make sure everyone is greeted in a way that would make your loved one proud.

cremation services in Baltimore, MD

Allow Any Voice To Be Heard

If you want everyone to be a part of the service, if they wish, perhaps have a part of the service open to anyone to speak. They will feel welcomed into the family fold, whether they’re a part of the family or not. Anyone can share a memory, which can be a very nice touch. It’s fun to hear new memories you didn’t know before and to hear old stories recounted. Not everyone is going to feel up to speaking, so perhaps you can place cards in the back for people to write down stories as well for the family to read over themselves later. These cards could be a very sacred part of memorializing the person who passed on in the future.

Allow For Casual Dress

Some people are okay dressing up, but most people feel more stuffy and uncomfortable wearing clothes they don’t wear on a regular basis. You can make the cremation service anything you want. By asking people to wear jeans, as your loved one always did, they might feel more welcome and less out of place when they arrive.

These are just a few ideas to make the cremation services in Baltimore, MD that you are planning for your loved one as welcoming as possible to anyone who wants to attend. The professionals at Hari P. Close Funeral Service, P.A. have all sorts of ideas to help you meet your goals. We want you to be able to honor your loved one in whatever way you’d like, and we want their personality to come out through your plans. We’re here to help.