Have you ever lost someone to death? It’s heartache like no other, and you know that there are several loved ones that will feel that same grief when you pass away. No one knows when their time is up, but you can plan for your impending death with services from funeral homes in Baltimore, MD. Why? Because being prepared gives you some semblance of control over your future, while also taking the future financial strain of funerary services off of the loved ones that you leave behind. 

Looking to preplan your funeral services? Talk to your loved ones before you do anything else.

Your loved ones are there for you now and have always been there for you, through every major life event. It’s important to let them know your intentions. Plus, talking about death can take some of the sting out of the fear of death. Yes, it will still hurt, and they will still grieve and mourn after your death, but the preparation allows you and your family to feel more in control of the impending situation. It’s inevitable – you might as well own it.

Additionally, talking about your intentions with your loved ones will allow you to assign a legal representative. This person will be your advocate. They will be made aware of all of your arrangements, given copies of important documentation, and be in charge of enacting your final wishes when the time comes. This person should be reliable and trustworthy – your confidante. 

Is There an Appropriate Age to Preplan Your Funeral?

There’s really not a linear age to preplan your funeral. You could do it any time that you’re an adult. However, according to life insurance agencies, most people that preplan and prepay for their funeral services do so after the age of 30. Closer to 35.


Because more people think about their futures and the lives of their loved ones after 30. It sets in that no one is immortal. Your parents get older as you get older, people around you begin to experience health issues, and you find yourself wondering when your time will come. It’s not a morbid thought – more of a reality. 

While some people might be opposed to you thinking about death or say that “you’re too young” to think about these things, bear in mind that death can come at any time. Any circumstance. Death doesn’t discriminate. Planning your own funeral or cremation is your way of acknowledging and taking control of your own mortality. It’s brave and smart. funeral homes Baltimore, MD

You Should Pinpoint Precisely What You Want in a Funeral

Do you want traditional funeral services, complete with viewing as a final goodbye from your loved ones? Or would you rather have a celebration of life after a quick, direct cremation? How do you envision your funeral?

Write it all down. Make a list of the kind of funeral service you want, jot down your final wishes, and make copies for your advocate and the funeral director. Most funeral homes are happy to accommodate your final wishes. You can learn more about funeral homes in Baltimore, MD. Talk to us at Hari P. Close Funeral Service, P.A. to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services funeral home services. Visit our office in Baltimore or call our location.