When a loved one in your family is going through cremation services in Baltimore, MD, you might have a memorial service for them after the cremation is complete to give the family closure and a chance to say goodbye. Memorial services and funerals can be hard for children, especially those of a certain age. They may not understand what is going on and why people are sad. But once kids reach the age of 5 or 6, they understand loss and they can appreciate death. If a close loved one passes on, you might want to find a way to include the child in the cremation services, so they get what they need to grieve and move on.

Including the child in the cremation service could be as simple as bringing them to the service. You will want to find out as much as you can about the service in advance and talk to your child about it, so they know what to expect. Make sure they understand that this is a good place to vent emotions and that it’s okay to cry. In fact, they might see a lot of people crying and that’s perfectly fine.

If you feel your child would benefit from having a larger part in the service, there might be some odd jobs they can do. Kids closer to the tween age could light candles, for example. Smaller children, with an adult helper, could hand out bulletins if you have them or help to usher people to seats. While some children might want to blend in, others like to have a job and feel helpful during the service.

Only you can decide if your child is of the right age and maturity level to handle a cremation service. If the person who passed on is a sibling, grandparent, or someone else close to the child, they are going to be grieving. It is usually a good idea if they are old enough to know what’s going on, to take them to the memorial so they can get closure and say goodbye, just like the adults around them need to.

cremation services in Baltimore, MD

If you are struggling with decisions on including children in final services, talk to family members who also have children and see what they are going to do. You can also ask them what they think might be right for your child. While you get to make the final decisions, they might have insight from an outsider’s perspective that could help you.

You can also call the professionals who are hosting the cremation services in Baltimore, MD, and ask questions about what will be happening in the service. That might help you decide what your child can handle as well. When you talk to the experts at Hari P. Close Funeral Service, P.A., you will get nothing but support and compassion, no matter what you need to know about the upcoming memorial service. We are here to help with final services and all of the topics that surround them.