You probably don’t think about it until you have to, but when the time comes, someone in your family dies, and you start to work with funeral homes in Baltimore, MD on final services for them, you might recognize just how many decisions you have to make. It can be overwhelming and there are a lot of decisions that will feel difficult. In order to reduce your stress, you might look into what you have to decide now before those decisions are upon you, so you can be a little more prepared. Here are some of the big, important decisions that will come your way when you plan final services.

A Traditional Burial Or Cremation?

One of the first things you will have to decide is whether you want to bury your loved one or cremate them. This is an easy decision if your loved one told you or someone else in your family what they wanted. Otherwise, you have to use what you know about them to guess. Keep in mind that no matter what you choose, you are honoring them. There is no bad choice between the two. Both are respectful and honorable. You just have to choose what you feel is best for your loved one and the circumstances you are in.

What Service Style Do You Want?

Again, this is an easy choice if you know what your loved one wanted. If not, you get to choose between a funeral, a memorial service, a celebration of life, an ash scattering, or other options. You don’t have to do anything at all, but having a service of some kind can help your family to find closure and a way to move forward. That final goodbye can mean a lot to many people who loved your family member.

Should Services Be Public Or Private?

If you decide to have a service, you can either let anyone who wants to come to attend, or you can limit it to just invited individuals, like family members and close friends. Think about how many people you would like there and what your loved one would want. You will need to choose the appropriate location and space based on how many you think will attend.

funeral homes in Baltimore, MD

What’s Your Budget?

Before you get too deep into the details, you will want to know how much you have and want, to spend on the options. The budget can help you inform some of the decisions so it’s often a good idea to start with that and move on from there.

If you are working with funeral homes in Baltimore, MD on final services for a loved one, it’s important to understand that they will not make any decisions for you. They will support you in anything you decide, but they will not decide on your behalf. Visit with Hari P. Close Funeral Service, P.A. and we will help you understand what decisions need to be made so you know what you have to do to take care of your loved one.