When a loved one passes away, it’s often important for families to have some kind of service to get closure and say a final goodbye. There are those who work with funeral homes in Baltimore, MD and have full funeral services and others who want something simpler. If you have decided to have just a graveside service for your loved one, that’s a nice way to honor their memory and say a proper goodbye. You can even have a eulogy for them right there are the graveside. Here are a few pieces of advice for delivering that eulogy, whether you are going to do it or want to pass the ideas along to someone else who will be.
Keep Noise In Mind
If you have a service at a funeral home, the noise will be minimal and there aren’t as many distractions. Outside, you never know what’s going to happen. Keep distractions in mind as you plan for the eulogy. You might want to practice giving the eulogy outside on your porch where there might be cars going by or building noises from a renovating house next door. You don’t want the noise to distract you from the important words you are going to say.
Conciseness Is Key
For a graveside service, it’s likely that most of the attendees will be standing, though the immediate family may have chairs. You don’t want to go on and on for a very long time with your eulogy. It’s hard to summarize someone’s life and what they meant to people in just a few minutes, but with a graveside eulogy, that’s what you’ll want to do. Keep things short and to the point, but try to hit some highlights at the same time. You can always talk to family members in detail about certain memories later. This isn’t your last chance to talk about the deceased.
Practice With Trusted Friends
The more you give the eulogy, whether you have it written out or in memory, the more comfortable you will be with it. You can practice on your own, sure, but practicing in front of a trusted friend can really help, too. They can point out things you may not have noticed or just give you a listening ear to help you prepare to talk in front of a live audience of mourners.
It’s never easy to give a eulogy, whether you are doing so inside at funeral homes in Baltimore, MD or at an outside graveside service. Either way, you want to honor the person who passed away and show your respect to the family as well. If you need help setting up services, or advice on eulogies, the professionals at Hari P. Close Funeral Service, P.A. are here to help. Call us at (410) 327-3100 and we can answer questions over the phone. You can also visit with our funeral director in person at 5126 Belair Rd Baltimore, MD 21206. We’re here to help with any aspect of final services in any way we can.