When you hire one of the funeral homes in Baltimore, MD to help you with final services, whether you are planning for yourself in advance or a loved one who passed away recently, you probably have already looked over the packages that company provides. Packages for funerals are very handy to recognize because they include everything you need to hold a final service. You get what you need from start to finish. However, you can change and customize the packages in any way you’d like. Here are a few ways you might expand some of the basic packages to include other items that aren’t already covered.
A More Unique Casket
The funeral home packages you inspect will include a casket of some sort, but it might be basic and inexpensive. You may feel like you want something more unique for yourself or a loved one. If you want a certain material, carvings, a unique color, or something else, you can certainly have it. Keep in mind that caskets go up in price as you make special requests. If you have it in your budget, you can have whatever you’d like. You can add the casket of your choice to the package and you are able to get that casket from the funeral home or from whatever provider you want to use for the purchase.
Extra Services
The most basic funeral package will likely include a visitation and funeral service, but perhaps you want to have a memorial service as well at a later date. Maybe you want to have a celebration of life in addition to the regular funeral and so on. Any extra service will be something you could easily add onto a regular funeral, but it would be an additional service that would be tacked on to the package. It will cost more as well, of course, but you are able to do whatever you want around the package services that are included.
Customize Packages With Advice
The funeral package you choose is completely up to you and whether you take the package as-is or completely change and customize things is also your decision. When you start working through the options, consult with the professionals at the funeral home of your choice so you are able to make informed decisions every step of the way.
When you are ready to move forward with funeral homes in Baltimore, MD, whether you know the options that are available yet or not, the professionals at Hari P. Close Funeral Service, P.A. are here to help. We have packages for you to consider, but we also have transparent prices on extra things you can add, if you so wish. Whatever you decide you want for yourself as pre-arrangements, or for a loved one who has passed on, we will implement for you with as much dignity and respect as possible. Call (410) 327-3100 to get more information or to set up a time to speak with us in person at 5126 Belair Rd Baltimore, MD 21206.