It’s hard to think about the end of your life, but if you’re honest with yourself, you know it’s going to happen eventually. More people are planning their own final services because they are facing the reality that eventually, they are going to pass on. It’s become important for people to place their families in good positions, allowing them to have final services already planned and in place so they have less to worry about. If you already know you want cremation services in Baltimore, MD, here’s a few things you can do to ensure it.


Tell Your Family

You know that when you pass away, all your family will want to do is honor your final wishes, as you would want to do for them. If you decide that you wish to be cremated, it could be as simple as telling your family members that fact. Have an open discussion and once they know what you want, it might spur them on to make decisions like that for themselves so they can tell you in case they pass on first. Everyone is more prepared and has more peace of mind once the discussion is behind you and final wishes are out in the open.


Put It In Your Will

While your will primarily distributes your items among your family members, you can also use it as a messenger to your family to provide for you what you wish for in your final services. You can tell your lawyer and your family and everyone else concerned that you want to be cremated and offer guidance for other instructions at that time as well.


Plan With A Funeral Home

You can also take things one step further and plan your final services out with a funeral home so that your family doesn’t have to worry about anything at all once you pass on. Your family would simply contact the funeral home that holds the plans and your plans would take action right away. They don’t have to worry about what you want, guess at any service options, or do anything other than support one another. This option allows your family the most peace of mind and the most freedom once you pass on. You can even pay for those plans in advance, if you wish, to relieve them of yet another burden.


There’s no right or wrong way to plan your future and your cremation services in Baltimore, MD, but if you feel led to plan with a funeral home the professionals at Hari P. Close Funeral Service, P.A. are here to help. Call us at (410) 327-3100 and we can talk about some of the options that are available so you can think things over, talk to your family, and make the right decisions for yourself. You can also visit with our funeral director in person to go over package options at 5126 Belair Rd Baltimore, MD 21206. We’re here to help in any way we can. You can find out more about us on our website at